Like any other commercial heating system, boilers need constant maintenance and control in order to stay safe and function at an optimal level. By possessing a clear understanding of the deaeration process and ensuring you have the proper systems and replacement parts in place, you can guarantee your boiler will run safely and efficiently.
Deaerators Defined
Deaerators are vital to the longevity and function of a boiler. By their very nature, boilers produce oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other non-condensable gasses in the feed water. When left untreated, these gasses build up over time and begin to corrode the boiler. This happens because steam is created from these gasses and naturally attach to the metal components inside the boiler. This combination of steam and metal creates rust, which can quickly destroy the metal and subsequently the boiler. Deaerators are used to remove the gasses from this steam and prevent rusting.
Maintaining the Deaerator System
There are two main types of deaerators; tray-type and cascade-type. Tray-type deaerators store water from the boilers in a dome-like tank. It is imperative to ensure the system is free of leaks, so knowing the types of replacement tray valves you need for your system is vital to the overall functioning of your boiler.
Deaerators in Action
Generally speaking, deaerators are stainless steel structures designed to eliminate any need for cladding as a preventative measure for additional corrosion. They have varying oxygen removal capabilities, which is determined by the rate at which the steam temperature rises. Water enters the heating chamber where most of the present oxygen and carbon dioxide are naturally dissolved. Water then passes into the scrubbing chamber, which utilizes oxygen-free steam to scrub the water.
Rust is a naturally occurring substance that can destroy most manmade structures and metals. A properly functioning deaeration system ensures the longevity of boiler systems and continued comfort for building occupants the world over.